Saturday, December 10, 2011

How am I able to tell if other car parts can fit my vehicle besides asking here? lol?

i've got a 1992 pontiac sunbird, and I was wondering what other engines, other vehicles parts and etc. will fit my car?..

thanks?|||Auto salvage companies that recycle used parts have computer listings for interchangeable parts.

Dealers can cross reference parts to a certain degree also.|||that's easy your pontiac is basically the same car as a cavalier in the same year range......most of the parts will interchange betwee the two!!!!|||Local Auto store should know, mechanic should know, Pontiac Dealer , junk yards. But you should be able to do a search engine for the parts.|||go to|||try going to advance auto's website and putting in the info for your car - then you can search the parts you're interested in

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