Saturday, December 10, 2011

How are certain organelles in a cell similar to car parts?

For a school thing, we have to find an analogy for a cell and I picked a car. However, because of my limited knowledge of cars, I'm finding myself stuck. Can anyone think of how specific organelles in a cell could represent or be compared with certain parts of a car? Thank you!|||Peroxisomes 鈥?Breakdown hazardous oxidation reactions; breakdown hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into H2O and O before it enters the cell and causes harm

You can look at the perozisomes as the filters within the enginer/car. Without an air filter, oil filter, etc...your car engine with slowly begin to collect hazardous materials within it. The filters within the engine (much like the peroxisome) make sure that the bad stuff is filtered out of it so you can continue working correctly.

Cytoskeleton 鈥?Extensive network of protein fibers inside of cell; makes cells stronger; help to move things inside; aids in outer movement of the cell

The hoses/tubing within your engine is your cytoskeleton. It moves things pushes one type of liquid from one area to another part of your engine will work.

Mitochondria 鈥?Powerhouse of the cell; breakdown glucose to CO2 and H2O; energy released during the process is stored as ATP (cellular respiration); ATP is a mobile energy molecule of all cells

The mitochondria is your gas...without the gas your car won't start. Your gas is your energy within your car. If you don't have it, you ain't going anywheres. That is exactly what your mitochondria is. The mitochondria creates forms energy, it stores it and releases it as needed. Your gas tank (Mitochondria) is where you store your gas in your car. When you need to turn on your car, your gas tank is where the gas (ATP) comes from.

All I can come up with from the top of my head....not a big car person lol|||The mitochondria is the power house of the cell, it essential fuels all of the biochemical processes necessary for our body to sustain life. I suppose this could be compared to the engine of a car. I would talk about how, just like car parts to a car, cellular organelles rely on other organelles to function in the cell properly. This is kinda vague but hope it helped..|||The car engine is to the human"s heart, the fuel is to blood, horn is to mouth, headlamp is to eyes, tyre's is to legs, starring to the hands, wires connected to the engine is to the arteries and veins, the body is to the human"s skin etc

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