Saturday, December 10, 2011

How do I advertise a car or car parts for sale on the Internet?

I want to advertise a car for sale or parts of the car for sale how do I go about doing that?

What website should I do it on? (ebay,craigslist,etc.)

Where do I began? Please help.|||鈥?/a> is the best. no minimum visitors required or anything. its free to join. u can buy and sell ad space, or clicks. you choose your own price and they give u paid filler ads until some1 buys your ad space if ur selling space. and obviously u get referral bonus also. i use them for my site|||Go to Ebay and Craigslist those are very popular websites when placing items for sale online and very effective plus it's free you can also advertise it on your myspace blog or facebook very effective as well.

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