Saturday, December 10, 2011

Any help learning to recognize basic car parts?

Well, I know zero about cars, and would really just like to know the names of the parts under the hood, so I can recognize them, as well as know what 'the guys' are talking about in "car speak".

Anyone have a good, easy to read diagram or website or something that can help me?

Thanks!|||鈥?/a>|||Many community colleges offer evening classes on basic car maintenance. I actually started by memorizing the owner's manual when I was young.|||try or look at an operators manual that comes with any car and then look up the parts. or look for someone that know this stuff and ask them.|||There is a line of paperback books out called; The Big Dummy's Guide to..... And I do know they have one for computers, autobody repair, televisions, etc.,etc., try looking online for those books called The Big Dummy's guide. Good Luck....BTW, I have looked at The Big Dummy's Guide to Autobody repair|||i'm in the same shoes as you, so what i do is i go to my library and find a book on my car. usually the books are chilton

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