Saturday, December 10, 2011

Poll - Do you buy your car parts off a website or a cap parts retail shop?

For either answer why do you find this more convienient and please post a link to the website or car parts shop.

If you buy off a main dealer are you satisifed with prices, service, etc?|||For now I am stuck with Autozone and other chain stores.I am not satisfied mostly with the service and the quality of parts.The people behind the counters are usually rejects from a convenience store that know nothing about cars.I don't buy from dealers, sometimes I go to websites.

The best stores are the smaller privately owned ones.They really want your buisness and it shows.The guys are usually very helpful, and friendly, and know what you need.Prices may be a bit higher but it's well worth it when you get the right thing every time and it's not Chinese garbage.|||I've bought and will continue to buy parts and accessories from three online companies. I also buy from four parts and supply stores. It depends on what I'm buying. If I would need a dealer only item then I would go them. Whatever the part may be I will only purchase quality, reputable, name-brand items.|||I suppose my answer is a combination of the two. I usually end up with AutoZone parts. I can look them up at home and see who has them before I leave the house so that is why it is convenient. They have a good parts warranty. And I've never had any service problems. If it is a specific expensive part then I shop around. Most of the time when I need a part it isn't something I want to wait around to get.|||any time you buy used parts you take a chance but ive had really good luck ive bought 4 transmissions online and payed 100 to 200$ for each of them

these sites will help you out

and as far as Dealer prices the same trans 1500.00 you do the math|||E-bay is where I buy most of my parts from at about 30% of the main dealers price, they are made to the same safety standard as those from the main dealers!

Think James and Eric are from the USA not Britain

1 comment:

  1. When my husband is looking for car parts he usually looks for the small businesses. He has told me that they usually have a better understanding of what they are talking about and are very helpful. I am glad that my husband knows what to look for. I hope that he continues to find places that he likes to go to.
