Saturday, December 10, 2011

Where can I find what car parts are worth?

My uncle just bought a number of car parts from a mechanic's estate sale real cheap. He has engine blocks, heads, minifolds, pretty much a little of everything. Now he wants to price it all and see what exactly his investment is worth. Where could I go online to find prices associated with parts numbers?|||Won't do you a bit of good, due to one huge logical fallacy that everyone overlooks.

Let's say you did find a price guide for an engine. And you find that the value of one of your blocks is $5,000.

Problem is, that price guide doesn't say anyone will actually buy it at that price.

So you lower it to 3k.

No buyers.


No buyers. buyers, but you get an offer of $500.

Congrats, the "$5000 engine" is worth $500.

And therein is the problem of looking up the "value" of parts, cars, or anything else. A listed value is no representation of what your buyer will pay.

List all his parts on Craigslist as "OBO" and see what type of offers you get. Because at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is what the buyer will pay, not what some value guide says it's worth.|||Try to detail your question a little better.


Where would I sell engines %26amp; parts for late 1960's General Motors V-8 327 and other GM engine parts ? They were formerly owned by a mechanic that collected ( Classic parts, Antique parts, Performance parts ) etc...

" One Mans Trash Is Another Mans Treasure " that still hasn't changed after all these years so don't forget that.

* It could just be a load of rusty, old, unwanted parts too....

Hope this helps a bit

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